Sunday, October 10, 2010

Launchers Are A Great Training Tool For Gun Dogs

Training your bird dogs to hunt, whether it's for flushing, pointing, or retrieving, there are great tools at your disposal.  Bird and Dummy Launchers are available with remote control devices that can be used together or separately to fill your training needs.
Remote Bird and Dummy Launchers
With both dummy launchers and bird launchers, a remote control can be used to train your dog without the need of an assistant. At one time, there was no remote control, meaning you would always need another person to help with the training which almost always leads to a distracted dog.
Bird launchers allow you to use numerous sounds as well as various beeps to ensure that your dog becomes familiar sounds that he will hear while hunting.  Use of a dummy launcher or a bird launcher will of course depend on the type of training you need for your dog.  Since the goal in training your dog is ensuring he is an effective hunting companion, these launchers are a necessary and helpful tool.
Bumper Launcher
Teach your dog to retreive using a dummy launcher. This is the perfect tool if you like to work on your own, and the dummies will launch much further in height and distance than throwing it using your strength. This is helpful because your dog will be able to learn to retrieve game that is farther from you. The purpose of the dummy launcher is to train your dog to retrieve because launching by hand is too close. It will be a sort of fetching game for your dog versus real-life training. For added convenience, remote launchers can emit sounds to teach your dog to behave as if you were out on the field hunting game, like ducks or pheasants.
Bird Launcher
For training pointing or flushing dogs, bird launchers will work perfectly. A great benefit to bird launchers is that you can actually set it up to launch multiple birds to simulate real hunting. The good thing is, dogs are bred to hunt so your main focus is to train your dog to respect another dog's point, as well as flush out birds. A bird launcher will give you a good shot at achieving this type of training. Trainers of pointing dogs have been successful in using these for years now, and even those who train flushing dogs are starting to use these tools more often. Because a bird launcher is designed with a spring latch which will release prey fairly low, it can quickly help your dog learn the skills needed for hunting quail as well as pheasant.

How To Find A Good Hunting Dog

If you are an enthusiastic hunter, there’s a good chance that one day you will choose to buy a hunting dog to track and retrieve game on the hunt. Choosing the proper dog for you--and finding that dog--can be complicated.
A high-quality hunting dog will be better than just a dog that retrieves prey; he will be your buddy. Many hunters develop a bond with their hunting dog that is not broken until one or the other of you passes away. You generally have to start with looking for a specific breed of puppy to find a good hunting dog.
Do not waste your time looking for a hunting dog at a pet store. Pet stores regularly purchase their dogs from horrible puppy mills. Just because a dog is pedigreed does not ensure that he will be a good hunter or even a good dog. Puppy mills habitually keep dogs in filthy conditions and inbreeding also happens. Therefore, steer clear of pet stores and find a reliable dog breeder to purchase your hunting dog from.
Backgrounds Of Puppies
Take into account the reputation of the dog breeder, and above all else look over the puppy’s parents. The majority of responsible dog breeders will have both parents on site, or will be willing to tell you where the other parent can be visited. Both dogs should have pedigree documentation—especially those that claim to be AKC and/or CKC certified—and be hale and hearty.
Conditions Of Kennel
Explore the environment of the dog kennels prior to purchasing a hunting dog from a breeder. The breeder should not have any indecision about letting you see the conditions under which the puppies are born and housed. This is one of the many characteristics that separate dog breeders from puppy mills. Puppies ought to have plenty of room to play and should never be stacked in rickety and/or filthy cages.
Background Of The Breeder
Look into the breeder’s history and reputation. When on the lookout for a breeder of hunting dogs, it is advantageous to ask for help from a colleague or a veterinarian. Quiz the vet about choice breeders close by or ask those who own hunting dogs where they found them and how satisfied they’ve been with the dog. You can also ask for character references from the breeder if it helps you feel more at ease.
Finding a good hunting dog demands a little background checking and education about dogs besides knowing what kind of dog you are contemplating. If you are on the lookout for a gun dog, you should try to find pointers, retrievers or spaniels, as they are first-rate hunting dogs for small game.
Once you have located the best breeder, look over the puppies and select one or more. Chances are excellent that, with some persistence and the correct training, you will be able to teach him to be a fantastic hunting dog.
Finding a hunting dog is so much more than merely choosing a pet dog, as you can anticipate developing a connection to the dog and will over time become best friends. Make certain that the hunting dog breeder you choose has a reputation for only breeding first class hunting dogs, and your encounter will leave you both satisfied and happy.
What you must remember when it comes to Bird Dogs, is how important dog supplies are, such as Dog Training Collars and Bark Collars.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do You Want a Dog: Or a Wolf?

Dog Training - You Reap What You Sow
Nine times out of ten Dogs like to follow their basic instincts     and their influences. Many experts have written thousands of articles and books about dog behaviour, and as far and wide as you go you wouldn't find many who would condone aggressive training of your dog. The reason for this is that dogs and puppys take in they are taught very quickly, and if you behave aggressively towards a dog will influence it to behave in an equally aggressive manner. Deep down in every dog, there is the instinct of a wolf – because that is where ti comes from.
Now, if you find a wolf in the wild and take an aggressive posture towards it, the wolf will not back down. It is likely to go for your throat and not stop until either you or it are fatally wounded Although domestic dogs have lost something of that instinct and ferocity, the aggressive nature is still there. Though it is buried deep down  so it reacts when it is backed into a corner by an owner. A dog may back down when you strike it. By striking a dog repeatedly it will react as any wolf being threatened – and it will bite you.
By now every one who is a Dog Lover has heard about the Dog Whisperer and most probably seen some of his shows.  Cesar always points out to act as a leader of the pack which means to be firm and decisive but never hurting your most precious companion physically.  It is worthwhile remembering that we are not molly coddling a little child or the opposite have to pressure this normally trusting creature into anything it doesn't want to do.  Being a pack leader usually brings pain free results for everyone involved. Absolutely the only way to do it
Give a dog fun, exercise and affection and it will repay you in kind with interest in the most fantastic way. A dog will form a bond with its owner instinctively and do everything it can to please him. Use this instinct to your advantage, and watch your dog blossom into a dog or pup you can be proud of, rather than a wolf with slightly blunted teeth and instincts.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Underground Fence Review

Introduction and Considerations

What is every dog owner’s first priority?  Keeping your dog safe and secure!  In many cases an underground dog fence may be just the ticket.  Perhaps your homeowner’s association does not allow unsightly fencing that will contain your dog.  Maybe the expense of a traditional fence is just not in your budget.  Maybe your determined dog keeps finding ways through, under or over your traditional fence.  Whatever the reason an underground dog fence, when properly installed and your dog properly trained, is an effective, humane and low cost solution for most dogs.
What is an underground dog fence?  An underground dog fence is a system consisting of a radio transmitter, wire that acts as a transmitting antenna and a collar with a receiver that picks up the radio signal from the fence when your dog gets too close.  When your dog enters the warning area near the wire the collar beeps warning him to stay back.  If he continues to move toward the wire he will receive a static shock or correction.  Some systems have progressive corrections so that the closer the dog progresses toward the wire the stronger the static shock he receives.  There is some controversy about the humane aspect of delivering a shock to an animal to deter him.  Most experts agree however that when an underground dog fence is properly installed and the dog is properly trained to the fence that these systems are very humane and safe.  Consider the alternative if your dog runs out into traffic or gets lost.  There is some chance of your dog being traumatized by the shock of he is improperly trained and/or the correction levels are too high for your particular dog’s size and temperament.  Proper training is critical to success with these systems.  Yes, it is true that your dog, hopefully, will not like receiving the shock no more than you like touching a door knob and getting a static shock.  This is his incentive to avoid the boundary.  While the shock is uncomfortable it is not in itself dangerous to the animal.  Most systems have automatic shut offs if the animal does not move out of the correction zone to protect him from over correction.
Compared to a traditional fence an underground dog fence is fairly easy to install and should take less than a day with most applictions.  The hardest part of the installation is burying the wire.  I offer four methods of burying the wire.  The first is to use a straight edge spade shovel and use it to dig down about 3 inches and create a V-shaped trench to lay the wire in.  The simply press the sod or dirt back in place.  This is the most difficult and time consuming method.  The second way is to use a gas powered lawn edger to cut a 3 inch deep trench.  Lay the wire in the trench and replace the displaced dirt and press into place.  The third method is to rent a trencher with a cable installation attachment.  The trencher will cut the trench and lay the wire at the same time.  The fourth method is to not bury the wire at all.  Instead you can simple lay the wire above ground and use Pet Fence Staples to hold it in place.  This method works well for low traffic areas and in grassy areas where the wire will lay deep in the turf.  You can read more here.  If you have to cross a driveway or sidewalk with the wire you will need to use a masonry blade to cut a groove in the concrete or asphalt and then use caulk to seal the wire into place.
There are many factors involved in choosing the right underground dog fence system.  Some of these factors are discussed below.  Later on I’ll make specific recommendations based on these factors.  Wireless dog fences are not considered in this discussion.

  • Size of your dog
The size of your dog is an important factor in choosing the right system.  A small dog between 5 lbs and 12 lbs needs a receiver collar that delivers lower correction levels than you would need for a larger dog.  By the same token a medium sized dog between 10 lbs and 60 lbs will need higher levels of correction than a small dog.  And large dogs (over 60 lbs), depending on temperament, may need even higher levels of correction.  Careful consideration should be given in the case of very large dogs to environment and temperament before choosing to install an underground fence.  It may be necessary to install the underground dog fence in conjunction with a traditional fence for these dogs.

  • Temperament of dog
Another important factor in choosing the right system is the temperament of your dog.  If your dog is mild mannered or timid (what I call “The Home Body”) then you may be able to get by with low levels of correction.  If you have an energetic or curious dog (I call him “The Explorer”) then you will likely need higher levels of correction to overcome these traits.  “The Protector” (larger, more aggressive breeds) might need even higher levels of correction.  Underground dog fences have anywhere from 1 level of correction up to 8 user settable levels of correction.  If you have a stubborn dog (I decline to name these guys) you will want to consider a system designed for stubborn dogs with the highest levels of correction.

  • Number of dogs or cats (yes cats) on the system
If you have more than one dog or even a cat, especially if they are significantly different in terms of size and temperament, you will need to select a system that is adaptable to these different traits.  The PetSafe Deluxe Dog Fence Transmitter is compatible with the PetSafe Small Dog Fence Collar and the PetSafe Stubborn Dog Collar allowing you to mix and match collars for your pets.  The PetSafe Underground Cat Fence is also compatible with this system. 

  • Yard size
The size of your yard will influence your choice in Underground Dog Fence systems.  Each system has a maximum size it can support from the DogTek Underground Dog Fence which supports up to 2 ½ acres to the SportDog Underground Dog Fence which can enclose up to 100 acres.

  • Outside influences
When deciding to install an underground dog fence you might have a tendency to think only about keeping your pet home and from this perspective they usually work very well.  There are, however, outside influences you should consider before purchasing and installing your fence. One of the biggest downfalls of an underground dog fence is that, while it will keep your dog in, it cannot keep other dogs, wildlife, predators or people out.  If you live in a busy neighborhood with a lot of foot traffic or a lot of people walking their dogs past your boundary line you might want to consider keeping your boundary far back from these areas or installing a traditional fence of some kind in this area of your yard.  While you and your dog know the fence is there other people cannot see the fence and your dog lurking near the boundary may frighten some people and may invite other dogs to enter the yard to say hello.  Signs indicating an underground dog fence is in place might help but they can be unsightly and people unfamiliar with the technology might not trust it and still become frightened. 
If you live in area where other dogs run loose an underground dog fence may not be for you as there will be no way for you to keep these dogs from entering your yard.  The same goes for wildlife that your dog may chase or predators that may attack your dog.  Most predators are active in the evenings and after dark so with proper precautions such as keeping your dog inside during these times you can usually avoid problems.  With wildlife some dogs will get so hot on the chase that they will run through the fence and get stuck on the outside with no way to get back in until you notice their transgression.  A fence with stronger correction levels and more intensive training may overcome this problem.

  • Existing fence
If you have an existing traditional fence and your creative thinking dog (The Explorer?) keeps finding ways out then you can consider adding an underground dog fence to keep him contained.  This is the best of both worlds.  Installation is much simpler too since you can simply attached the underground fence wire to the existing traditional fence.

  • Remote Training
A couple of these systems come with a remote control that allows you to use the collar for additional training functions where the dog may be some distance from you.  These systems are the Innotek Fencing Standard Contain and Train Dog Fence and the Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Contain and Train Dog Fence.  If you plan use a remote trainer then these systems will save you money and the hassle of switching between two different collars. 

  • Compatibility with other fences and/or barriers
If you are planning to use your underground fence in addition to other containment products such as the PetSafe Pawz Away Indoor Barrier, the PetSafe Pawz Away Outdoor Barrier or the PetSafe Indoor Fence, or if you have dogs of different sizes and temperaments, you will need to choose a system that has collar compatibility between them.  The PetSafe Deluxe, PetSafe Small Dog, PetSafe Standard and PetSafe Cat collars can be used with any current PetSafe underground fence and the PetSafe Indoor Fence.  The Pawz Away and Innotek Ultra collars are compatible with the Innotek Ultra Transmitter as well as the PetSafe Pawz Away Indoor Barrier and the PetSafe Paws Away Outdoor Barrier.  All other systems are compatible with their own transmitters only including the PetSafe Wireless Instant Fence which is not part of this review

  • System cost
For some of you budget for a system will play a role.  All the systems listed below are time tested with maybe the exception of the DogTek which is new to the U.S.  But you do get what you pay for.  The lower cost systems will work well in the right environments and with the right pets but I would encourage to you buy the best system you can afford.  The extra features could save you both time and money.  For example, the cost of replacing batteries could become substantial over time.  Also, expanding your system will only be possible if you purchase a system that allows compatibility.  Features like a low battery indicator or battery backup could prove to be invaluable in the long run.

  • Battery cost
Battery life will vary depending on things like how often your pet approaches the barrier.  Over time battery replacements, especially for the proprietary batteries used in the PetSafe systems could become a bigger expense than going with a rechargeable system.

Underground Dog Fences Considered…

Below are the pros and cons of the top selling underground fences available.  Rankings for these products are based on a scale of one paw to five paws and rate the product for features and reliability.


Innotek Fencing Standard Underground Fence

Innotek Fencing Standard Contain and Train Dog Fence

PetSafe Standard Underground Dog Fence

Innotek Fencing Rechargeable Underground Fence








  • Non-proprietary batteries

  • Lowest cost system

  • Progressive correction

  • Non-proprietary batteries

  • Lowest cost contain and train system

  • Progressive correction

  • Includes a remote training feature

  • Good reliable system

  • Support up to 10 acres

  • Compatible with PetSafe Indoor Fence

  • Low cost

  • Rechargeable Collar

  • Premium transmitter

  • Battery backup for transmitter

  • 3 correction levels

  • Supports up to 25 acres


  • Single correction level

  • No low battery warning

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • Supports up to 5 acres

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • Not compatible with Pawz Away Barriers

  • Single correction level

  • No low battery warning

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • Supports up to 5 acres

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • Not compatible with Pawz Away Barriers

  • Single Correction level

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • Proprietary batteries

  • No low battery indicator

  • No battery backup for transmitter

  • NiMH Battery

  • Hums when recharging

  • Not compatible with Pawz Away Barriers


PetSafe Deluxe Underground Pet Fence

Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Underground Dog Fence

Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Contain and Train Dog Fence

PetSafe Stubborn Dog Underground Fence








  • Compatible with other PetSafe collars

  • Compatible with PetSafe Indoor Fence

  • Reliable mid range system

  • Higher quality Collar and receiver

  • Supports up to 25 acres

  • 4 correction levels

  • Low battery indicator

  • Collar is rechargeable, uses a lithium ion battery

  • Low battery indicator

  • Contoured collar with collar fit feature

  • Compatible with Pawz Away barriers

  • ReadyTest feature to ensure collar contact

  • Collar is rechargeable, uses a lithium ion battery

  • Low battery indicator

  • Contoured collar with collar fit feature

  • Compatible with Pawz Away barriers

  • ReadyTest feature to ensure collar contact

  • Included lightning protection

  • Includes a remote training feature

  • Strongest correction strength available

  • Compatible with other PetSafe collars

  • Compatible with PetSafe indoor fence

  • Supports up to 10 acres

  • 5 correction levels

  • Collar vibration

  • Uses a standard 9 volt battery


  • Proprietary batteries

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • Proprietary batteries

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • Collar is not rechargeable


PetSafe Deluxe Small Dog Fence

SportDog Underground Electric Dog Fence

DOGTEK Pet Containment System







  • Smallest, lightest collar available

  • Lower correction levels

  • 4 correction levels

  • Compatible with PetSafe indoor fence

  • Compatible with other PetSafe outdoor systems

  • Designed for dogs under 12 lbs

  • Supports up to 25 acres

  • Independent correction levels

  • Comes with 1000 feet of wire

  • Supports up to 100 acres, the largest available

  • 4 correction levels

  • Collar vibration feature

  • Very durable collar

  • Uses a standard 9 volt battery

  • 8 correction levels

  • Separate configurations for warning distance and correction distance


  • Proprietary batteries

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • Collar is not rechargeable

  • Large clunky receiver

  • No battery backup for the transmitter

  • No low battery indicator

  • Less wire and flags than other systems

  • Supports only 2 ½ acres

  • New and unproven


Okay you say, that is all fine and dandy but which underground dog fence do I want?  Well read on and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction…

Single Dog, or Multiple Dogs of Similar Size and Temperament

For most situations I recommend the Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Underground Dog Fence.  It has a good balance between features and value and is our most popular underground dog fence.  It is very reliable and holds up with time.  This fence has 3 levels of correction which are progressive meaning the correction gets stronger as the dog stays in the correction zone.  It has a lithium Ion rechargeable collar which will likely save you money over the long run.  The contoured collar with collar fit test is a great feature and it is compatible with the PetSafe Pawz Away Indoor Barrier and the PetSafe Pawz Away Outdoor Barrier.  This fence is not for dogs 12 lbs or under and can enclose up to 25 acres with additional wire and flags.  The only real downside to this system is that the collars do not have independent correction levels making this system unsuitable for dogs of different sizes and temperaments.  There is a workaround for this which involves placing a resistor across the probes to reduce the correction level.  You can pick up these resistors at Radio Shack.  A 33k ohm resistor will reduce the correction level by about 50% and a 5.6K ohm resistor will reduce the correction level by about 75%.  If you do this please make sure you remove the resistor before recharging the collar.  Frankly, I believe this workaround to cumbersome for most and would recommend a different system for multiple dogs of different sizes and temperaments. Oh, did I mention that this system has battery backup for the transmitter?  So when the power goes out your dog still stays in.

Multiple Dogs of Differing Sizes and Temperaments

For multiple dogs of different sizes and temperaments I recommend the PetSafe Deluxe Underground Pet Fence.  With this system you can add on collars that are designed for the size and temperament of your additional dogs or cats.  It is compatible with the PetSafe Standard Collar, the PetSafe Deluxe Collar, The PetSafe Small Dog Collar, The PetSafe Cat Collar and the PetSafe Stubborn Dog Collar making this an excellent choice for this situation.  All these collars have independent correction level adjustments so each dog gets an appropriate correction. These collars are all compatible with the PetSafe Indoor Pet Fence as well. The biggest downside to this solution is that each collar uses disposable proprietary PetSafe batteries that can increase costs over time.

Very Small Dogs (5 lbs – 12 lbs)

The only real good choice for the very small dog is the PetSafe Deluxe Small Dog Fence.  The collars on other systems are too large and bulky to be comfortable on very small dogs.  Additionally the correction levels on the deluxe small dog collar are lower than on any of the other collars.  If you already have another PetSafe underground dog fence you can add the small dog collar to that system as well.

Stubborn, Aggressive or Very Large Dogs

If you have a stubborn, aggressive or very large dog you may need the extra corrective level of the PetSafe Stubborn Dog Underground Fence which is 3 times higher than other collars. Often times people think their dog needs a higher correction level when the real problem is that the prongs on the deluxe or standard collar are not making good contact with the skin or they have not properly trained their dog.  Before using the higher setting on this collar be sure that these two factors have been addressed.

Extra Large Yard (25 Acres to 100 Acres)

For extra large yards over 25 acres the SportDog Underground Electric Dog Fence is the only choice.  This fence has a range of up to 100 acres unlike other’s that range from 2 ½ acres to 25 acres.  The SportDog underground dog fence is one of the toughest, most durable systems.  Beware though, the receiver on this system is one of the biggest out there.

In Conjunction with a Traditional Fence

If you already have a traditional fence and you need reinforcement you keep your dog from digging under, climbing over or otherwise escaping you may be able to get by with one of the entry level systems like the Innotek Fencing Standard Underground Fence or the PetSafe Standard Underground Dog Fence.  Keep in mind all the other factors to though and remember that if you have a stubborn or large dog these systems may not have enough correction.

In Conjunction with Remote Training

If you have the need for a training collar in addition to the underground dog fence then I recommend the Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Contain and Train Dog Fence for all the same reasons I recommend the Innotek Fencing UltraSmart Underground Dog Fence.  The contain and train fence includes a remote control that allows you to correct your dog from a distance.  The collar on this system is slightly larger than the collar on the UltraSmart dog fence.  This size difference makes it unsuitable for dogs less than 25 lbs.


I hope this underground fence review has been helpful.  If you have questions about underground dog fences you can email me at and I will try to answer your questions a quickly as possible.

Copyright © 2010

Underground Dog Fences

Toilet Training for Dogs - Tips from Animal Behaviorists

Generally, dogs are very clean animals - they won't soil close to where they eat, or where they sleep. But living in a house is unnatural for an animal whose instincts would be to roam wherever she wants to go, so you'll have to help her learn where and when she can relieve herself.

It's essential that you develop good toilet habits for your puppy as early on as possible. Trying to break the habit of a puppy is fairly hard and it can be extremely bothersome. You need to make use of guidance and encouragement to help the pet. Animal behaviorists have a few helpful tips that you can use to help with the housebreaking of your pet.

Believe it or not, dogs are sanitary creatures. If a puppy does soil accidentally in the wrong area, it is likely that it'll be away from his dog dish, at least six to ten feet. This really is correct for the place where the puppy sleeps as well. But, unless you find a great area for her to go and train her in that manner, the rest of your house is okay to them.

The procedure for housebreaking a dog is the same if he is a puppy or an adult dog new to your home. You’ll have to take him outdoors every couple of hours as well as 30 minutes right after he eats. Take your pet to the designated bathroom spot. Stay with the pet until she goes, and then praise her when she does. If she doesn't go, bring her back inside and try again in fifteen minutes. Watch her however. If the puppy starts sniffing and circling, take them out immediately as this is a sign that she is about to go. Look closely at her signs and take her out. Before long, she will relate to going outside to going to the bathroom.

Some puppies are housebroken much quicker than others. A few dog’s personality will trigger her to go one way or the other. However, if you take her outdoors at the right time, it'll go smoother. A puppy of less than 4 months old will have to go out during the night. Older puppies can hold it that long. A puppy that cries to be let out has an urgent need. Get up and take her out, she needs every chance to succeed that she can get. Positive reinforcement is necessary for success.

How you treat accidents will affect your dog’s overall learning curve. If you catch your dog going in the act, distract her with a clap or call her name. Take her outdoors smoothly at that time and praise her for concluding outdoors. Clean up any accident that you simply discover on the floor. If the dog approaches during this time, ignore her. Don’t talk to or punish her at this point. The most detrimental thing that you can do is to yell at her or physically punish her. This may cause her to fear you and to not bond as well to you. She will not relate it to the accident in any way. Ignoring her is the best course of action here.

If you are looking for the best Dog Toilet Training, you can read reviews from people who were able to avail of their services before you. This way, you will be able to learn from their experiences.

If you are looking for the best service, go here:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dog Grooming What to Expect

Any long haired dog should have it groomed every few months of more often then that.  It is a huge chore that needs to be done if you have a long haired dog.  Many people that have these dogs with long hair take their pet to the groomer however you could also do it at home with a little work.

When bath time comes you must remember to use a shampoo and also a conditioner.  You must use both because the shampoo removes the dirt and the conditioner will help stop tangles.

Grooming tools that are used for dogs are brushes, combs, and rakes.  You will have to have these tools to take all the tangles out of your dogs hair.  By having these tools will also help prevent super tangles in the future.

When you brush your dog you are taking out dust, dead skin, loose hair, and tangles.  It helps the coat shed every spring and fall.  There are special brushes that your groomer will use on your dog.  The brushes that they use cover larger matted areas and they have sharper short bristles.

When your dog is being groomed it is important to dry its hair.  You need to have a hair dryer if you are planning to groom your dog’s hair.  By drying the hair quickly prevents any mattes or tangles that can occur in wet hair.  Wet fur tangle more then dry fur.

Having a good pair of scissors will help remove the hair around the eyes and in the ears.  There are some breeds of dogs that gets mattes around their eyes from discharge so keeping this area short will help prevent this from happening.

Nicola lives in Spain and runs an internet business selling Purse Hooks, Handbag Hooks and Bracelet Purse Hooks.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Why do dogs have separation anxiety?

Dogs have certainly made a great difference to people's way of life. Dogs form a legendary bond with humans thus it is not surprising if these animals are considered as man's best friends. Dogs are truly man's wonderful companion as aside from being loyal and affectionate they also form a strong bond with their owners. Dogs are different from aloof cats as these pets are very dependent on their owners.

Dogs would thrive well in a situation where they are constantly given attention and where they are allowed to be in the company of the human family. Because of this, dogs are dubbed as Velcro pets. Ironically, this close tie dogs have with humans is the reason why many of these animals are abandoned by their owners and end up in animal shelters or even euthanized. Separation anxiety causes dogs to be problematic pets because they turn destructive.

Barking, chewing, digging, house soiling are normal canine behaviors that a dog owner has to put up with. However, this normal canine behaviors becomes excessive in dogs suffering from separation anxiety. When a normally well behaved dog manifests inappropriate behavior like excessive barking, chewing and digging when separated from its owner, it is highly likely that the dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Severe cases of separation anxiety can make the dog jump through windows, mutilate the body and cause serious destruction every time the owner is not around.

What causes dogs to have separation anxiety? Being social creatures, dogs would always love to interact with all the members of the family. Dogs are seen following their masters around. Because of the close bond, dogs would want to be with the master always as when the master is not seen the dog would have panic attacks. It is necessary for dog owners to take the role of the leader of the pack. Dogs, especially those with weak willed owners would think of themselves as the leader of the pack and consider humans as pack members lower in rank. Dogs that consider themselves as the leader of the pack suffer from separation anxiety when separated from the owner.

Generally dogs that have a separation anxiety disorder are dogs that were abandoned and abused. Dogs that start to be destructive as soon as the master leaves home are suffering from separation anxiety disorder. The destructive behavior of a dog suffering from separation anxiety will be triggered if the master is seen taking the coat, picking up the car keys and opening the door.

To protect your furniture from your dog that is suffering from seperation anxiety try using a pet scat mat or spray deterent.

Sarah's Dogs has more information about dog separation anxiety and dog first aid.

What makes dogs shake in their sleep

Dogs are truly man's most loyal and affectionate pets. These affectionate creatures have become man's silent best friends - always ready to offer comfort and protection. People choose different animals for a pet but dogs are probably the ones given the most love and care. Pet owners on tight budgets would not hesitate to shell out bucks as long as it will ensure the well being of the pet. Despite the long association, a pet owner would not really know what the dog feels. Dog owners noticing the pet to be off color would worry because dog cannot be asked what ails them.

Dogs form a strong bond with their owners. This is very apparent by the inclination of the master and pet to be always together. It is not uncommon for people that get too attached to the dog to constantly watch the pet's movements. Pet owners that get so attached to the pet will watch it even when sleeping. A dog owner would worry if the sleeping dog is seen shaking. Seizures are common in dogs thus an owner would worry that the pet is fitting.

The shaking of the sleeping dog can be a symptom of an illness. The shaking of the pet can be due to discomfort. A dog that is made to sleep in an inadequate shelter outside the home will shake if the weather is cold. Sleeping puppies will shake too if they have crawled away from the mother's warmth.

Perfectly healthy dogs that shake while sleeping may simply be having a dream. We know how great sleepers dogs are. Once the dog has reached the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, the dog, similar to humans would dream. Just like in humans, a dog that dream is experiencing again what has happened when it was awake.

Humans would talk in their sleep, others would sleep walk. The same is true with dogs. A dog will shake if it is dreaming of giant rabbits.

As traumatic experiences are relieved when the dog dreams, an abused dog is more prone to shake while sleeping. Dogs are happy creatures thus it is expected that they will have happy dreams but nightmares will make these animals shake in their sleep too. Although dogs would snap out of the nightmare, your presence would help calm the pet.

Find out more about why dogs shake when they sleep and dog first aid at Sarah's Dogs.  While your at it check Pet Fences too.

Puppy Training Biting - The Best Approach to Take

A very powerful point you should considered when training a puppy is puppy training biting. This is the most difficult troubles most puppy proprietor faces, most especially if your young children are residing with you. I'm gonna give some recommendations about puppy training biting. For more info, go visit stop puppy biting.

First, when a puppy is born they like twiddling with their tooth. I feel this is natural and also utilizing their feeling of odor eyes and ears to discover the globe.

Puppies like challenges, at the previously stage of their life; they start to produce their feeling. If there are any pups close to them, they are going to like twiddling with them, rolling, leaping and biting every single other. This really is what they do for the early phase of their life to have the ability to come tops.

Your puppy is at home now, so that you will begin to acquire charge to signify him as the mum. Constantly remember that pups like enjoying approximately so he would would like to select or chew something he finds round the house. Your kids might need to fit your hand in his mouth, but that poses a major threat. You should find a way to stop this. This is known as perform biting.

You should educate your little one how to play with young puppies. When you place your hands inside the mouth in the puppy the puppy will wish to hold it, however the baby in return will wish to pull it off. Thinking it can be a game, the puppy keep firm for the palm harder, and this pose a major threat or scares the little one far from the puppy. Although the teeth will nevertheless be a milk tooth at the first 20 weeks of his lifestyle, but as the puppy grows outdated it becomes much more wild and unsafe. Teaching your dogs puppy training biting is the best in the puppy stage.

Puppy training lessons- A very powerful.

The most effective way of doing this can be by bellow" ouch" in a very deep gruff voice. Test as a lot to use this to placed a surprise in his encounter. This will likely make him obey you and release his tooth.

Often give him something to perform with, it may perhaps be toys or one thing connected. Immediately after twiddling with it for someday, try to take it faraway from him with deep gruff voice I informed you earlier. This can make him obey you as times goes on.

You must find out not to be hash together with your puppy. At all times go gentle with him even when he is biting you. All you must do is stick to the directions as stated over to present him an excellent and much better puppy training biting lessons. For more info, you can visit stop puppy biting.

To keep your puppy from chewing your furniture check out pet scat mat or spray deterent.

Here's How To Get Rid of Ticks and Fleas

Ticks and fleas infestation on dogs can be bothersome both to the pet and to its owner. These blood-sucking parasites also dwell on furniture, in the carpet or any place where your dog stays regularly . These creatures will not only bite dogs but humans as well. Frequent bathing and using fine-toothed pet comb should be part of your preventive measures rather than think of it as flea and tick remedies.

It is wise for dog owners to ward off ticks and fleas at the onset of infestation using products such as frontline spray treatment which can be very effective for flea and tick control for dogs and puppies. The product can be sprayed on your pet's back, side, stomach, legs, neck and shoulders. Do not spray directly on the head area; instead, spray the product in your gloved hand and rub it in your pet's head.

A lot of experts recommend Frontline brand products because of its proven efficacy in fighting fleas and ticks. The use of frontline flea spray gives your pet the continuous protection by breaking the parasites' life cycle.

Ticks and fleas bites on dogs can really get so itchy that it will cause our pets to itch and scratch really hard. Too much scratching can cause lesion on the skin which might eventually lead to infection and serious skin problems. Add to that problem is the fact that you are also going to have a terrible ordeal with those ticks and fleas because they will also prey on human skin.

Controlling ticks and fleas should not be concentrated on treating the dogs but on the environment as well. Thoroughly cleaning the areas where the dog sleeps and plays is is also one of the best ways in controlling the problem.

Regularly vacuuming the carpet and sprinkling it with insecticidal powder can remove adult fleas, therefore preventing the proliferation of the parasites. Pet bedding material should be washed with soapy hot water.

If the above suggestions won't render any positive outcome, then it should be appropriate to refer the problem to the expert - your friendly veterinarian!

In the meantime use a indoor pet barrier to keep your flea infested pooch out of the babies room.

Your Dog's Wellbeing

Medically, dogs are like people in that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Dogs don't need annual mammograms or cholesterol screening. On the other hand, they do need regular visits to the vet, a healthy diet, good dental hygiene and many other processes similar to those humans undertake for our own wellbeing. If you've never considered what it means to provide preventive health care for your pup, let this article open your eyes to a few areas you can work on, and then research further for yourself, beginning with contacting your trusted vet.

Of course, one of the first things you can do to help your dog stay healthy is to make sure he has the correct dog medications. Right away, you must ensure that he gets or has had the necessary vaccines. Not only will your dog benefit from this protection, but it'll keep you from contracting things like rabies from him, too. Then you'll also need to give him his needed prescriptions. Do not neglect some kind of medication for heartworm, plus a prescription to keep off fleas and ticks. Your dog doesn't appreciate the little biters any more than humans do, and he'll bring them right into your house if you're not careful.

Second, be sure that your animal has a balanced diet. Stores offer myriad brands of dog food, but not all of them are a good bet for your beloved dog. Some can make him sick, even deathly ill. Others simply won't provide him with all of the nutrients he should have to live a long, happy life. One thing you should consider is the meat, grain and fat content of the formula you feed your dog. It's important that he eat enough protein. Unlike humans, dogs can't really be vegetarians. They're born carnivores. Many people now advocate giving dogs completely grain free dog food, since that may better resemble what they'd eat if they hadn't been domesticated. Regardless of the brand you consider purchasing, make sure to do your research and read reviews, in addition to talking to your veterinarian.

Finally, don't forget about your dog's skeleton and nervous system. Many types of purebred dogs have been so inbred over the years that they regularly end up with health issues like arthritis, bone and joint pain, or tooth and gum conditions. Right from the start, you may want to buy your dog a good bed, like one of these, to keep him comfortable. You should also read up on his specific breed to see what health problems are endemic to his breed.

Underground Dog Fence