Any long haired dog should have it groomed every few months of more often then that. It is a huge chore that needs to be done if you have a long haired dog. Many people that have these dogs with long hair take their pet to the groomer however you could also do it at home with a little work.
When bath time comes you must remember to use a shampoo and also a conditioner. You must use both because the shampoo removes the dirt and the conditioner will help stop tangles.
Grooming tools that are used for dogs are brushes, combs, and rakes. You will have to have these tools to take all the tangles out of your dogs hair. By having these tools will also help prevent super tangles in the future.
When you brush your dog you are taking out dust, dead skin, loose hair, and tangles. It helps the coat shed every spring and fall. There are special brushes that your groomer will use on your dog. The brushes that they use cover larger matted areas and they have sharper short bristles.
When your dog is being groomed it is important to dry its hair. You need to have a hair dryer if you are planning to groom your dog’s hair. By drying the hair quickly prevents any mattes or tangles that can occur in wet hair. Wet fur tangle more then dry fur.
Having a good pair of scissors will help remove the hair around the eyes and in the ears. There are some breeds of dogs that gets mattes around their eyes from discharge so keeping this area short will help prevent this from happening.
Nicola lives in Spain and runs an internet business selling Purse Hooks, Handbag Hooks and Bracelet Purse Hooks.
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